Damos hoje início a mais uma rúbrica neste polivalente blog, e começamos nem mais nem menos com o grande bife, o nosso Brian O'Driscoll, James Stilwell. O nome foi traduzido na íntegra a pedido do pan, perdão, do entrevistado.
Blogger: Hi James, thanks for giving us some your precious time.
James: Please, Pi, call me faggot.
B: OK, if that's your wish. Tell us, who was your rugby idol while growing up?
J: That's an easy one, Mark Bingham was by far the most inspirational player for me. I aim to play one day in the Mark Kendall Bingham Memorial Tournament , it will be San Francisco all over again.
B: Interesting (by now I'm happy we don't have a locker room at CNEMA), it's Christmas time, what would make this Christmas special, maybe a gift?
J: I'm glad you ask that question, Mickael Carreira is playing in Guimarães on the 27th. I'd love to be able to say in a few years time: I was there! (Quem quiser ajudar a realizar o sonho do faggot clique aqui)
B: Define yourself in five words.
J: Gayest gay of all gays.
B: OK, we're playing Tomar later today. What do you expect from this match?
J: They have some really cute players. I'm really looking forward to it. Maybe I could hook up with them in the Clubhouse after the game.
B: OK faggot, from now on I'm going to ask the questions and I want "straight" answers. Can you do that?
J: Straight? What's that?
B: Well, I mean, one or two words will do. Favourite Film?
J: Brokeback mountain, I loved Ennis del Mar.
B: Favourite actor? And actress?
J: Rock Hudson and and Rosie O'Donnell.
B: I'm not sure she's an actress. Favourite band and song?
J: Village people and Macho man.
B: Thanks James, good luck for tonight and I 'm not talking about the game.
J: Thank you so so much. I want to "sacar" a lot tonight.
Deixo-vos com um vídeo - enquanto me piro daqui - do nosso "bambino d'oro":
10 comentários:
Adorava conhecer-te, pareces-me um tipo à maneira. Era muito sal grosso.
Diogo, és sexy.
Entrevistava-te todo.
Por ti acabava o curso.
O vídeo é muito giro, não pode pôr o "In the Navy". Traz-me tantas recordações.
posso ler o teu futuro?
My god , a entrevista deve ter durado uns 5 minutos, o que e que fizeram no resto da meia hora?
O Diogo deu-me dicas de moda para ficar mais fashion.
Essa entrevista foi muito rapida...
Se é Stilwell é sexy! mesmo sendo faggot...
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